Image Info
- Posted: March 25, 2006
- Size: 73 KB
- Pixels: 2446 x 2280
- Mature: No
- Views: 1183
My octopus girl (octo-girl? octogirl? octo-mermaid? hmm...), waiting for... well, waiting for something; I'll let you guess what. She really needs a name, I think, and a good background story.
This is intentionally uncolored and oversized. I thought it'd be fun to let the general public try to color/shade one of my drawings for a change, so I've submitted the original inked version here to see what people do with it. It's been a darned long time since I last submitted something to dA, and while this isn't quite a finished work, it's finished enough for people to enjoy it. If you like it enough to color it, go right ahead. :)
A copy of this image can also be found in my FurAffinity account ( ). This version has been edited down to a PG rating to bring it into line with dA's ratings policy. The version at FA is the original and has an R rating, but you must have an account at FA and be over 18 if you want to see it. This is still marked "mature" here since although it's pretty tame, it might be too much for young minds.
I will probably color this myself eventually, but I thought it'd be fun to let you all have a shot at it first. Enjoy!