The Phantom Inker



Is Eight Enough?

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This is the final work. I drew her basic outline in CorelDRAW, as most of you saw; and then entirely colored her in Corel Photo-Paint. This is the first time I've used nothing but paint to color an image; normally I use vectors. The result is pretty good, although it took just about as long this way as it did using vectors. The shading on her lower half isn't as good as I'd like, and the shading on her skin seems a little too matte given how shiny her hair and tentacles are, but, well, it's done, finally, so I'm leaving it as it is. The background is a set of stock cave photographs from Dracoart-Stock (, color-treated to look underwater-ish and made to look like pastels.

What's her story? I really don't know, but it sure looks like she has the evening pretty well planned. I've decided (at long last) to name her Laura, since and she looks to me like a girl whose name starts with L or R, and Laura has both of them. That's fine French champagne she has there, and I'm not sure where she got it or how she intends to open it. I'm not sure where she got the other stuff either, or what she intends to do with it, or what anyone would do with it >_>

And I don't know how she got turned into an octo-girl, or octopus mermaid, or tentacle girl, or whatever you want to call her; I know she was human once, but I don't know much more about her than that, really. So beyond that, if you want to know more, feel free to write a story about her (and send me a note if you do!).

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