Image Info
- Posted: March 25, 2006
- Size: 79 KB
- Pixels: 2446 x 2279
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: Yes
- Views: 1227
My octopus girl (octo-girl? octogirl? octo-mermaid? hmm...), waiting for... well, waiting for something; I'll let you guess what. She really needs a name, I think, and a good background story.
This is intentionally uncolored and oversized. I thought it'd be fun to let the general public try to color/shade one of my drawings for a change, so I've submitted the original inked version here to see what people do with it. If you like it enough to color it, go right ahead. :)
A copy of this image can also be found in my deviantART account ( ), but that version has been edited down to a PG rating to bring it into line with dA's ratings policy. This version is the original.
I will probably color this myself eventually, but I thought it'd be fun to let you all have a shot at it first. Enjoy!