Image Info
- Posted: April 29, 2018
- Size: 79 KB
- Pixels: 900 x 1200
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1372
Judy's curse — instead of getting a period, she gets a snake five days each month — ensured that from her first day of puberty, she was convinced no boy would ever want to get to know her. She lived for years with terrible self-esteem issues. Then she met a boy who liked her, and even though she tried to push him away, he eventually pried the truth from her. Today is the first day of The Snake, this month, and here she stands before him, letting him see what she is, and waiting for him to run, run, run forever, like she spent so many years convincing herself he would.
I'm going to color this one, I think. I like her vibe. The lineart isn't perfect, but I think we can "Fix It In Post," as they say.
Drawn in three hours or so, with CorelDRAW and a mouse.