Image Info
- Posted: January 26, 2017
- Size: 3824 KB
- Pixels: 1802 x 2402
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 2589
I don't really have a good explanation for this one other than that I like centaur girls :)
So this is Raina Kitamura, from Hibike Euphonium. The drawing is in response to a request I got online to draw her naked, just transformed into a centauress. I thought, it's different, but hey, she's cute, and I've never drawn a bassoon before, so why not?
This is 100% vector art in CorelDRAW except for that background, which was a quick blast of "crayon" in Corel Photo-Paint. All of it, as usual, was drawn with a mouse. Total time was, I dunno, 20-30 hours or something.
Hopefully this is what the requester wanted. Enjoy, I guess :)