Image Info
- Posted: November 5, 2006
- Size: 31 KB
- Pixels: 622 x 453
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1094
So this is the winning proposal for Misato Katsuragi, as a drunk octo-girl (kudos to Jess for suggesting the idea, and kudos to Saria for the pose). This is the rough sketch version, done in about three hours today.
If you count, you'll see ten cans of Yebisu, Misato's favorite beer --- she started with one in each hand (and tentacle) and is down to four cold ones.
I'm looking for some suggestions on some of the details:
Nobody had a good suggestion as to how she ended up half octopus. Any good ideas?
Should I put her red-and-black uniform on her or leave her topless? She's cute like this, but definitely more recognizable with the uniform.
Where is she? She's leaning against something, possibly a wall, but I can't decide where. (Not that I ever do much when it comes to backgrounds anyway.)