Image Info
- Posted: August 30, 2018
- Size: 87 KB
- Pixels: 1280 x 1280
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1777's my glasses, right?
Jean lives in a rural village of centaurs and got the glasses from a human town a couple days' travel from her home. She discovered human books when she was young and grew into an avid reader, but as she got older, her eyes got bad enough that she couldn't see anything — including her beloved books — without them. Like all natural-born centaurs, she doesn't see anything unusual about her lack of clothing, but she's sensitive about her eyesight.
Muse wanted, well, a cute naked centauress this morning, so here's Jean. She's probably a dark-haired brunette, if I were to color her.
This is probably the last drawing for a little while; I'm going to be doing a lot of travelling in September.