Image Info
- Posted: June 23, 2007
- Size: 44 KB
- Pixels: 743 x 744
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: Yes
- Views: 1785
This is work-in-progress picture #2 of my "Hot Sex" couple. I started drawing these two solely because I wanted a really good picture of two centaurs in love and going at it. This picture is about 10 hours of work so far.
These are not any specific characters; she just happens to be a girl I like the looks of, and he's a guy that my fiancée, Songbird, likes the looks of. We've named her Hannah, but we don't have a good name for him yet.
We have a bit of a story going for these two, and maybe after the picture's done I'll try to tell the whole thing. But the short short of it is that this is far in the future, on a distant planet, and she's been a centaur all her life, just like the rest of her family, the result of genetic work a few centuries before. He's an offworlder; they met, fell in love, and he had some genetic alterations done to show her just how much he loved her. It's a high-tech but agrarian society, with heavy emphasis on "invisible" technology.
Er, suffice it to say that this is adult-rated, although I think it's somewhat vanilla adult work, more sweet and loving than nasty. Of course, your mileage may vary: We like it, but centaurs definitely aren't for everybody.