Image Info
- Posted: September 16, 2018
- Size: 1173 KB
- Pixels: 1600 x 1067
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 3499
Bree was created by a wizard who thought he was making a nightmare warrior monster. Unfortunately, the spell didn't warp the young village girl or her mind exactly like he thought it would, and she ended up sweet and gentle and pretty, not angry and hateful and monstrous. So he discarded her deep in the forest, where the spider girl has been fending for herself ever since. It's a little quiet sometimes, but she's quite happy for the rare company of a wandering knight or travelling merchant — even if most of them run away in terror.
I drew lineart of Bree a year ago in November, and she didn't have a name then. On-and-off since, I've been working on coloring her, and after more than a few tries, I found a color scheme that worked. Don't know how many hours this is, but as usual, it was done in CorelDRAW, with a mouse. I did a little bit of post-work in Corel Photo-Paint (mostly on the webbing).
Her right hand still bothers me, but — eh. At least Muse got inspired enough for us to draw something, and she turned out passably cute, I think.