Image Info
- Posted: June 5, 2008
- Size: 265 KB
- Pixels: 3108 x 4000
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 2084
This is for ~KiyaraSabel, who's been begging me for more time than is sensible to give her a high-resolution version of this lineart so she can color it.
The original (crappy) sketch is here, for those who wanna see it.
Anybody can color this, not just ~KiyaraSabel; if you do color it, be sure to (A) use the Download button to get the ultra-high-resolution version, and (B) note me when you post it so I can add a link here :)
Warning: The ultra-high-resolution version really is ultra-high-resolution: 3100x4000 pixels, or about 10"x13" at 300 DPI (20"x26" at 150 DPI, which is poster-sized!). Don't download it if your computer can't handle the huge.
Does anybody want to take a stab at giving her a name and telling her story? I don't have much more to it than what you see here, so any stories provided would be fun :)