Image Info
- Posted: October 31, 2011
- Size: 724 KB
- Pixels: 1280 x 960
- Mature: No
- Views: 3508
Sandy, Jeremy, and Chloe went out trick-or-treating this Halloween, and they went to the house they'd never seen before. Inside, a Witch greeted them warmly — and gave them not just a Trick or a Treat but both.
This was a very special request from my lovely wife, a special Halloween picture of three cute kids getting transformed on Halloween night by a real Witch. So here we have the kids:
Goodness only knows how many hours went into this. 40? It's a good guess. I'm only really stopping now because I'm out of time — there's only twenty more minutes of Halloween left tonight! As usual, this was CorelDRAW and a mouse from start to finish, and some of you watched as I drew it on LiveStream from start to finish!
Yay, a G-rated transformation picture! :D
Anyway, enjoy, and let us know what you think!