Image Info
- Posted: December 9, 2007
- Size: 52 KB
- Pixels: 777 x 654
- Mature: No
- Views: 1644
We all can dream.
I've been working on and off on this picture for probably two years now, a little here and a little there, and it's finally nice enough that I think I can post it. I've had her in at least four different outfits since I started, but I like this better than the others, because it tells a better story.
A good picture, after all, is more than just a picture: It tells a story, and ideally, it should be a good story.
Lynne has a good story, I'm sure.
I've wanted to do this picture for a while, because it's one of the most innocent things I've ever drawn: It's pure joy, a celebration of life itself, with no dark or painful or disgusting or adult overtones. If I ever do finish this, it may migrate over to (finally) become the replacement for Katie as my featured work.
I really have to learn how to draw clouds ^^;