Image Info
- Posted: December 28, 2017
- Size: 1642 KB
- Pixels: 1600 x 2133
- Mature: No
- Views: 2766
For no readily apparent reason, this is Takane Shijou, a pretty girl from a game named THE iDOLM@ster, which I've never played. I saw a request on a website to draw her as an octomaid, and my muse liked the idea enough to draw her. Why's she an octopus? Heck if I know. This was mostly an exercise in softer shading than I usually use, and in drawing more detail than usual, and in trying to match the color and art style of a preexisting character.
The background (or lack thereof) still bothers me a bit, but it could be worse. Someday, I'll learn to paint backgrounds better. Someday.
The new technique I used here I'll probably reuse on other pictures, even if it was a bit more time-consuming than what I normally do. You can still tell it's vector art (and this really is 100% vector art, drawn entirely with a mouse in CorelDRAW X8), but it's getting a lot harder to tell that it's vector art the more I practice with it.