The Phantom Inker




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Well, can't sleep, because nose is clogged while being sick and I can't breathe. So... I pixel arted!

The two centaurs I drew from scratch tonight. The background is made of reused tiles from a game I worked on forever ago that never quite succeeded (sadly).

There are a total of 34 colors in this palette, and most of them are shades of green resulting from the shadows on the ground, since I imagined this as though it were in a game engine and made the shadows by just adding a bunch of ellipse-shaped black overlays at 40% opacity.

As for the native sprites: The centaurs jointly use 13 colors. The grass uses 8 colors. And the bushes use 8 colors, some of which are shared with the grass.

All artwork you see here is copyright © me. I drew everything you see here, for better or for worse. Please don't steal or reuse these pixels without permission!

Marked mature, because pixel boob and peen will apparently corrupt young brains >_>

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