Image Info
- Posted: March 1, 2013
- Size: 92 KB
- Pixels: 1083 x 1442
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1298
So an old distant acquaintance of mine, ~multibrst, runs a website dedicated to polymastic artwork. I've enjoyed going to Tina's site from time to time, and tonight, I saw her name on YIM, and thought, I really ought to draw something that'd fit her site. I've meant to for years, and I had the time, so I quickly drew this in about three hours: A proud polymastic (human!) pinup girl.
It's not the big picture I've been working on, but it's something different than my usual stuff, and it came out pretty good, so I thought I'd post it here for all to enjoy.
And, uh, so, enjoy :)