Image Info
- Posted: May 4, 2024
- Size: 393 KB
- Pixels: 900 x 1200
- Mature: No
- Views: 550
You know what I don't post a lot of? New content. That's mostly because I have a lot of incomplete stuff, and incomplete stuff only gets posted on the Patreon, but then everybody else misses out on seeing anything, and you all think I haven't been drawing at all. So this is... well, not complete, but it's good enough, really, and I'm calling her done unless Muse decides she really needs super-detailed shading someday in the future.
Anyway, this is Cora. She's the Bard and Navigator of the party. She's a Cartographer by trade, and she makes maps and writes down history notes everywhere she goes. As a general rule, if you need to know the fastest way to get anywhere from anywhere, or what happened somewhere, she has the answer.
Also, it might not look like she's armed, but those legs can deliver a mean kick, and she's proud of the time she took down a small band of orcs with just her own four hooves. Those horseshoes are sharper than they look.
And yes, she's single, but good luck trying: She's spunky, she's smart, and she doesn't date outside her species.