Image Info
- Posted: July 22, 2012
- Size: 350 KB
- Pixels: 2400 x 3200
- Mature: No
- Views: 1659
For Day 10 of the Monster-Girl Challenge, we have something very special: Fanart! Of games I've never played!
This is Morrigan Aensland from the hugely successful Darkstalkers series of fighting video games from Capcom. And while I've never played them before, I've certainly seen her character design before on many different websites. So when it came time to draw a "succubus" for the challenge, she was the obvious choice.
Where's the color? That, my friends, is your responsibility! Yes, this is a colorable drawing, and I finished off the lineart fully and uploaded a super-high-resolution version (2400x3200, or about 8"x10½" at 300 dpi) so that you can create a pretty high-resolution colored masterpiece from this. If you want to color her like Morrigan, you can see her colors on her Wikipedia page, or you can go nuts and color her however you want! There's a gentle gray wash in the background, and the rest is pure black-and-white lineart, so coloring it should be easy.
If you do color her, please note me with a link to your colored version so we can all see her! You can repost her anywhere you like just as long as you properly attribute the artwork and post a link here to wherever you posted her. She's under a Creative Commons License, and attribution and posting that link is all I require you to do. (That, and you can't make money off her, but duh.) But those are pretty easy conditions to follow for good shareable art, don't you think?
So say hello to Morrigan, looking all sweet and demure and dangerous and terrifying. Hope you like her, and have fun coloring!