Image Info
- Posted: August 30, 2009
- Size: 348 KB
- Pixels: 807 x 1000
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1528
So this morning, I got it into my head to draw a picture of a pretty centauress standing with her arms wrapped around her. This is not that picture; that picture didn't work out, and this is what grew out of it. This has a lot more action and motion, and it still has a little in common with the original (the shape of the face, for example), but that's about it.
I did this in one "sitting" (actually, I was lying in bed) over about four or five hours this morning. As usual, CorelDRAW and a mouse, entirely, from start to finish (the sunlight is made from lenses!).
My wife has named her Magenta, and I think the name's pretty appropriate :)