Image Info
- Posted: July 17, 2012
- Size: 414 KB
- Pixels: 3600 x 4800
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1733
(Day 5 of the Monster Girl Challenge)
So I have a special treat for you guys today. This one turned out really, really well when I started work on her yesterday. Everything that was wrong about yesterday's naga is absolutely right about today's mermaid, from the pose to the proportions to the expression to the composition and beyond. So I spent some time finishing off a lot of the detail work, and I even drew her hand properly. This is that rarest of items from me: It's finished lineart, and —
========================== -- You can color this if you want to! -- ==========================
I was tempted to color it myself, but there are 25 more Monster Girls that I still have to draw for the Challenge. So instead, I finished the linework, and I've uploaded a nice high-resolution version (3600x4800, a.k.a. 6"x8" at 600 dpi) that any of you can download and color to your heart's content.
Colorings of this picture:
If you do color her, please send me a link to your colored version so we can all see her! You can repost her anywhere you like just as long as you properly attribute the artwork and post a link here to wherever you posted her. She's under a Creative Commons License, and attribution and posting that link is all I require you to do. (That, and you can't make money off her, but duh.) But those are pretty easy conditions to follow for good shareable art, don't you think?
So have fun, and enjoy today's pretty Mermaid! :dance: