The Phantom Inker



Lady of Avalon

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It is said that in the north of Britannia there lived a beauteous flaxen-haired girl whose mastery of horses was unmatched in this world; and those she raised excelled beyond all others, even those of the gods themselves. Pursued one day by thieves and bandits, she drove her mare to leap a great chasm to escape; but not even a steed such as hers could leap so far, and she fell to her death. Freya saw this, and in her anger she smote the thieves with a single strike of the back of her hand. Then Freya came upon the ruined bodies of the girl and her mare and carried them to the isle of Avalon, where she breathed life into her once again and reformed her with elvish blood as Laila, the ageless Lady of Avalon, blessed with wings that she might never fall to her death again. There in Avalon she yet resides, waiting at the gates of the Valley of Pomora to greet weary travellers and carry them to the Great Halls of the Nine Sisters where they will be given respite and a feast of grapes and apples and bread and honey and milk.

My wife happens to be a big fan of the concept of winged centaurs, and I realized yesterday that I draw far too few of them. (So between yesterday and today I drew this, and dreamed up a little bit of story to go with it.

I feel mildly inclined to finish this with color and shading and background at some point, but I have so many other pictures yet to finish that I probably won't for a while.

So, well, pretty winged centauress pinup artwork, about 5 or 6 hours or so over the last couple of days with, as usual, just CorelDRAW and a mouse. And, as usual, ignore the poorly-drawn hand.

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