The Phantom Inker



Jeannie's Success

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The hardest part about being a brilliant geneticist whose lifelong ambition has been to turn yourself into something highly unique might not be the actual doing of it — it just might be trying to get past security at the research firm where you work without anybody noticing you're no longer human.

So this was like four hours tinkering with a mouse and CorelDRAW. I had the idea one morning a few days ago, and finally decided to actually try to draw it today. And while I'm not sure her bob hairstyle works, I still kinda like the idea of the picture, even if the execution needs a little work.

shrug As usual, crappy hands are crappy. I should probably concentrate more on those things when I draw, but, eh, see if I care. You're lucky to get an image where the lines are clean and non-overlapping, much less hands and a background ;)

(I also figured it'd be good to give everybody something new, since you've all been waiting (wading?) through the "blast from the past" series. This is proof that I actually have learned something since those old days, although I'm still far from an expert.)

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