Image Info
- Posted: September 29, 2007
- Size: 404 KB
- Pixels: 1024 x 953
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 2119
A pregnant pause followed the question, and the words lingered in the air for a moment and then drifted out over the veranda into the windless night. The moon inched a little farther into the sky as the last wisps of the sunset vanished over the western horizon. Maria took a deep breath and smiled. A thin lock of her blue hair slipped over the side of her glasses and brushed against her nose. She nodded gently. "I promise," she said.
This is the finished version of this picture, probably around 40 hours or so of work total. I'm not entirely happy with her hands or the potted plant, but otherwise, this picture came out pretty good.
This is 100% vector art, done entirely in CorelDRAW with a mouse.
And no, I don't know what she's promising, but I'll bet the rest of the story is pretty darn interesting ;)