Image Info
- Posted: July 8, 2018
- Size: 258 KB
- Pixels: 1800 x 2400
- Mature: No
- Views: 1980
This is my friend ~10110100's character, Flare. Flare's a red-cobra lamia, living in a modern-ish fantasy world. She has short red hair, blue eyes, and a long, red tail. Her weapon of choice is the glaive, and she carries a pistol just in case she needs to fight from a distance.
I've been wanting to draw Flare for some time now. Why?
Also, how do I know Flare's a badass Marine? Because all Marines are badass — "be incredibly badass" is in the job description, right after "victory with honor" and "nobody gets left behind."
At some point I might get around to coloring this, but in the interim, Flare, I hope this does your character justice :)