The Phantom Inker




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So the other day I asked my wife which of the various pictures I was working on she wanted to see finished, and this was the one she picked. It was barely a rough piece of lineart, and in the last day or so I went from black-and-white rough with major body parts missing to this. I did it fast, because I wanted to see what I could pull off in two days. It's missing some niceities in the shading, and the lines are a flat black, but hey, it's in color and has a background.

As the result of watching too much Batman: The Animated Series, she roughed out a story and I finished it: Elisa Evans, ace reporter for the Daily Ledger, was investigating the criminal calling himself Araknis, who was kidnapping people, for what purpose no-one new. She found his organization and discovered his plan: To create brainwashed spider-people to unleash on the city! And she was now to be his next victim! Can no-one stop this fiendish madman?

Alternatively, it was an excuse to draw a drider TF, very loosely inspired by the transformation machines Ric Quiroz used to draw in his pictures.

Anyway, let me know what you think! Not bad for two days of doodling, I think :)

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