Image Info
- Posted: September 12, 2011
- Size: 157 KB
- Pixels: 1024 x 768
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 1919
This was just a funny idea I had yesterday, of bull-taur and cow-taur transformations that got swapped. I normally don't like transgender transformations, but this picture kinda works.
Rick and Helen seem less pleased at the result. In general, guys don't read instructions or ask for directions — we obviously know better — but maybe now, Helen can read the front half and Rick can read the back half, and they can get this sorted out. :lol:
I started this yesterday and finished off the lineart today, save, as usual, for the hands. As usual, it's CorelDRAW and a mouse, about five hours total.
Update: Sera-fuku made a colored version of this: