Image Info
- Posted: June 8, 2019
- Size: 132 KB
- Pixels: 1200 x 1600
- Mature: No
- Views: 1309
My wife has been talking about cutting her hair short. So — here's a geeky cute centaur girl with short hair, hiking through the forest, which I think she likes doing a lot. Don't have much story beyond that.
Apparently this is what I can now draw in about 2½ hours on a quiet afternoon. I dunno if I'll ever get around to coloring her, but I think her eyes would be green, her hair would be sort of a dirty-blond, the shirt would be light gray, and I have absolutely no idea what her equine colors are, so use your imagination there. The background is yucky and lame, but I had a time limit of 2½ hours, so the girl got the detail and the background got almost nothin'.