Image Info
- Posted: March 4, 2018
- Size: 208 KB
- Pixels: 2701 x 1801
- Mature: Yes
- Explicit: No
- Views: 2350
In Ovid's retelling of the story of Medusa, she was a "ravishingly beautiful maiden," who was transformed by Athena into a snake monster. (Sadly, the story goes to a very bad place as to why; so I rather prefer to think it was because Athena was a jerk.) The other day, I woke up with this story stuck in my head, and so here's Medusa, unfortunately becoming the monster she will soon be known as. But this will have a happier ending, at least in my headcanon: This is a pretty awful moment, but she'll later meet a very nice young man who likes her despite her "condition," and she'll find herself a happily-ever-after eventually.